Sunday, December 18, 2011

Never good enough? Feels like it, doesn't it?

Some days I curse the internet, some days I bless ARPA for creating it.

I find it far too easy to get my hands (eyes) on content that is not beneficial to moving closer to God (also Dad, in my world), but I also get to share lessons and encouragement easily and for free. Today, I've done both. Unfortunately, for the first, but now I have a reason to write something. I realize this isn't the best way to get content, but in my weakness, He is strong, and His will will always be accomplished.

So, don't discount yourself if you've failed. Even if you've failed, and continued to fail, long after you feel like you should have overcome whatever it is. I've been saved for a little over 5 years now (I know, kind of still a toddler) and I still struggle with two big issues, in particular. I won't reveal them here, because it's not the place, but there are things about myself that I feel that if people in my life knew, they would end the relationship, or change it such that it's not worth having anymore. I'm working on getting past that fear, but I'm not there yet.

I say all that to say, while it may feel like a big deal to you when you fail, Dad's not surprised. He knows that you're not perfect. What's more, He expects you to fail, and is even happy when you do. It means that A) you're trying, and B) since you feel the conviction and yes, guilt, it means that you're still sensitive to the Spirit calling to you, and there's still hope. It's when you stop feeling guilty that your heart has become calloused, and the likelihood of you turning back to Him lessens. Also, I know guilt is a dirty word in Christian language, but I believe that as long as you don't just sit there feeling guilty, if you commit to listening to the Spirit and not your own feelings/knowledge, it's definitely constructive. I know how easy it is to feel hopeless after you fall victim to an aspect of your old life that died when you were reborn. Trust me, I know. But the thing about grace is that not only does it not do to as you deserve, it gives you what you don't deserve. Through His grace, He gives you His Spirit of power and love and and mercy and wisdom and all the things He is, so that you can live the life He's called you to live. It's just up to you to choose to listen to the Spirit inside you, rather than what you feel like doing. And don't feel bad if you only go a day between falls. When you were a baby, learning to walk, did your parents ever say, "Only three steps? That's not good enough. I expect you to make it across the room, already."? Of course not. It was completely new to you, and so you had to practice. And each time you fell, you learned a little more about how to do, and not do, the series of controlled falls that we call walking. I can't stress enough that when you fail, it's less, "Goodness, why did you do that? I expected better from you," and more, "Great try! I'm so proud of you for attempting that! What do you say we try again?" from God.

Please don't ever forget that it's His power that gives us what we need to live a godly life, not our own willpower (1 Peter 2:3). It's not our job to build up the self control and strength and determination to do what we know is right. It's His job to provide all that. It's our job to listen for His will, in the Word and directly from Him, and to carry it out. (John 15:5). I feel like I'm rambling, so I'll stop for now. I'm available, if you have any questions. Just click the link below and email me. Present your requests to Him, with thanksgiving, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Does Jesus really need us to stand up for Him?

The other day on Facebook (I know, I'm not on Google+ [what!?]) a friend of mine gave voice to her outrage about President Obama not having Christmas trees in the White House this year, that instead they would be called "Holiday" trees, since this is no longer a Christian country, but a country of many faiths, and how we need to let him know that this is still a Christian country and "stand up for Christ."

While I appreciate her virtual zeal, I believe the President is right, for three reasons.

First: This has never been a "Christian country." While the majority of its citizens have professed to be Christians, that does not make our system of government and rule Christian. Even the founding fathers, most of whom were influenced by Christian beliefs, worked very, very hard at keeping them out of designing a system of rule that has yet to be bested. Thus, "in the name of God" could not be used to justify any type of action, whether good or bad. They stated that this was a government "for the people and by the people," not by the God that they professed. While a theocracy, with God as the ultimate authority, is the ideal form of rule, that won't happen until He comes back. In the mean time, we humans will have to do the best we can, calling on His help if we believe. Apparently we, the people, have chosen a representative who does not believe in the same God that I do. Constitutionally, that's perfectly fine. There is no law stating that the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Drive need be a Christian, or believe in anything at all, for that matter. Only that he, or she, be at least 35 years of age, a natural born citizen, and elected by the people whom he or she serves.

Second: This is, in fact, a country of many faiths. I'm not sure what the numbers are, but I've heard that we're second in religious diversity only to the UK. And that's alright. It's part of what makes this country the greatest country in the world (again, not a perfect country). Here, anyone can accomplish anything and be anyone they want, without the government telling them they can't, or that some other way is better. It's not the President's job to be a Christian and represent a Christian nation. If he is and does while he's in office, then that means we chose the type of man (or woman) who would do that. If he doesn't, that means we chose a person who wouldn't do that. The officials elected reflect the true desires of the people who elected them. It's that simple.

Last: Does Jesus, the One who was, and is, and is to come, the One by whose Word all things are held together, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose words become reality, who sees all of eternity before Him, really need anyone to stand up for Him? He's the One who gave the office of President authority in the first place! Don't forget: He wasn't surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. He had planned all of time before there was such a thing as time! So, instead of "standing up for Jesus", I think we should get on our knees before Him and then change the world around us. Go witness to a lost friend. Put up the biggest manger scene in your neighborhood. Pray for that single mom who looks so forlorn at the store. Smile at your coworkers. Teach your children about His love. Read the Word. Pray.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My heart hurts for this kid.

I recently read a book--actually an "illustrated novel" according to the cover. You don't need to know the name or the author--it's not important. What is important is that in it, the protagonist remembers a time in Sunday School (I really don't like that term) when the teacher essentially told him that his God-given talent and desire for drawing was useless in the Kingdom. That in heaven, we would do nothing but sing to God all day. While there will be singing from the pure joy of being in His presence, worship isn't just singing. What I've been learning and working on for several years now is that worship is a way of living, doing everything you do to make Dad happy (I call God Dad. It's Biblical). If this kid had a talent, it was from God, because we literally don't have anything that He doesn't give us. Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." He says "whatever" so I think He means "whatever." I don't know what church this author went to as a kid, what denomination it was, or whether this is even based on any of his own experiences, but this character was failed by a well-meaning teacher who had a narrow view of what a ZÖE, abundant, God-filled life was. It's easy to second-guess the actions of someone else (especially a fictional character), but I think it just shows that a lot of people who are teaching children about God and His ways and will need to work on breaking down the limits they've placed on Him. The protagonist should have been encouraged to draw to his heart's content, and present it to God as his very best, like a kid with a misshapen clay bowl on Father's day.

It turns out that the main character (presumably the author) ends up abandoning his faith. From the story, he says that he found too many inconsistencies in the Bible and couldn't believe it as infallible and inerrant. While that may be so, I can't help but wonder if he wouldn't have become so critical of the Word if the believing adults in his life hadn't been so limited in the person of God that they presented to him.

 How would you have handled this boy's gift for drawing?

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal. Please subscribe and/or share.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven is AT HAND

"From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" - Matthew 4:17

The word for "repent," here, is "metanoeo." It means "to think differently afterward." It's not so much the "I was walking this way, now I've turned around and am walking the opposite direction," or changing the way you behave because you know it's wrong, as I've seen illustrated many times. It's more changing the WAY you think, which leads to turning around and behaving righteously.

What causes this thinking differently afterward is the fact that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Literally, it's within arms reach, ready to be grasped and utilized. It's here, where we are, all around us, available for us to live in. It's filled with righteousness, peace, and joy by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Bob Hamp at Gateway Church puts it something like this: Think about before God created the universe. When it was "In the beginning, God". Before there was anywhere or anything. "Place" isn't an accurate word, but we'll use it because as humans we can't understand it any other way. So, in this place, where there is only God, what's there? Well, the Bible says that God is love. So there's love. The love that has spent all time working on preparing us to be Christ's bride. He is also the God of all peace. So it's full of peace that's beyond understanding, because there has never been, nor will there ever be a threat to God. Period. He is also a righteous God. Every good and perfect thing comes from Him, and so there would be nothing not good in this place. The fruit of the Spirit. All the things that are true about God, are in this place.

While it's not explicitly stated in scripture, wouldn't this place -- where there is nothing but God -- be accurately called His kingdom?

This has helped me big time with the "in the world, not of it" way of life. As a citizen of heaven, I get to have these things at my disposal at any time. In this world, I can live rightly in peace and joy, regardless of the circumstances caused by the people and events that are outside this kingdom, because the Spirit and the kingdom are in me. Circular, I know, but it makes sense if you put some effort into thinking about it.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out.Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments!If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too.Twitter:@GetItReallyRealPlease subscribe and/or share.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Prayer for Me

A revelation just struck me, and I had to get it down somewhere before I forgot it: I need to find something to do while I'm single that will be a sacrifice to give up when I'm not anymore. I don't know what it is yet, but I feel like it needs to be something for the Kingdom that a guy who has a girlfriend/wife can't do. If anyone has any ideas, let me know? Thanks.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Lion King (3D)

I saw The Lion King 3D this past weekend with some friends, and as I get older I notice more and more that Disney are geniuses when it comes to making content that the whole family can enjoy, even as time goes by. I'm not talking about the timeless stories or unique characters, but their ability to insert elements that parents would get, but fly over their kids' heads. But besides that, it struck me that without meaning to, and even using pagan (please don't get offended) traditions/imagery, they illustrated that the world just isn't right without God in charge.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The universe doesn't revolve around me. Neither should MY universe.

I really appreciate how my mentor hears from God so well. He seeks out revelation big time, and gets it. And since he leads my Bible study group, we get to benefit as well. This time, we started out in Haggai, chapter 1. That would be the third from the end of the Old Testament.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Church Signs - Blessing or Bane, Good or Bad?

"Free trip to heaven, details inside,"  and "Santa never died for anyone" are definitely cliché, but that's not my strongest feeling about church signs. I'm a little torn on whether they help or hinder the church.

Credit: au_tiger01

Thursday, July 14, 2011

List of Church-isms and why they bug me.

Since first believing in Jesus in 2005, I've heard several clichéd terms, phrases and practices over and over, until they've started to set my teeth on edge whenever I hear them. These "church-isms," as I call them, aren't really harmful, per se. I've just gotten tired of hearing them, when there are something like a million (official) word choices in the English language. List after the break.