Friday, June 15, 2012

You don't have to be scared of demons

I've been reading "Demon" by Tosca Lee. I'm not very far in, but Dad has been telling me some things that I've not considered before. I don't know how much impact on other people's lives this may have, but there are two things that I want to look at, briefly.

First, it's that I feel sorry for demons. Hear me out, here. They were created to do one thing, to worship God constantly and completely. When they were led astray, they lost their purpose. Now, they're miserable. They can no longer do the thing that they were made to do. And so, since misery loves company, they're lashing out in their pain to drag as many of us humans down with them as they can. I'm not saying they're not evil, nor that they don't deserve their punishment. Just that I'm not scared of these beings that no longer have a reason to exist. We were created to do the same thing that they were: to worship God. And since we were given a choice, we have it better than them, because they can never be redeemed. They fell, and that's that. We, however, can make the choice as late as on our death bed, and God will welcome us back, giving all of His love and power to us, because we made that choice. I know people who are terrified of demons. They shrink away at the mention of them, because they've been led to believe that they're so powerful, and can do things to people that no one should be allowed to do. But I just can't buy into that, when I see that they're pathetic, weak masses of created things that are no longer good for anything. The only power they have is what people give them. The only reason people are scared of them is because they give them the power to scare them. It's a cycle that the truth can break, though. You're given more power than them at birth, simply because you can choose to do what they will never be allowed to do again: to worship God.

Second, the Spirit is reminding me that the root of all sin is pride. Lucifer tried to put himself above God, and so he was cast down. Think about it. Every sin people commit; murder, theft, adultery, drug use, etc. are all fueled by the idea that we know better than God what is good for us. For example: a young man struggles with sexual temptation. He knows that his body is not his own, that he's been bought with a price, but still he makes the choice to disregard that and put his will over God's. Or thieving. Whether or not someone knows that God has promised to provide for them, everyone knows at the root of it that stealing is wrong. And still they make the choice to do what they feel like doing over what is ultimately right. And so, what's the antidote to this? I've been working on that for half the day, and the best I have is that we're to do our best to bring our selves down lower, and to raise God up. To continually and consciously choose what is actually better, not what we think is better. And how do we do that? By doing as Jesus said, we abide in Him and in His word. And,  like Paul said, we pray without ceasing. These are our tools for humility.

Alright, so it wasn't as brief as I intended. At least I feel like I got my point across. Demons are bad, but not scary, and we have to humble ourselves in order to avoid sin.

What do you say? Yea or nay?

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

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