Friday, June 22, 2012

I don't know how to tell you this...but you're wrong.

Actually, I know exactly how to tell you; you're wrong. It doesn't matter if your facts are all correct, you have all the evidence in the world, and you've been able to shoot down every argument they have. You're still wrong. Why, you ask? Because you're missing the point. The point of life, and even less so the point of following Christ, is not to be able to prove that you're right.

In the last two years or so, I've been troubled by two things: my lack of a clear purpose from God, and the deficiencies (for lack of a better term) I've seen in the church. Recently, it seems that those two things have come together to set a purpose for me, at least for now. I don't want to simply nitpick at things the church has long been called out on. Rather, I want to build the body up. I don't want to share mere knowledge, but love and wisdom. "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God." 1 Corinthians 8:1-3.

One of the most fundamental problems I see is the proliferation of people and groups of people in the body who are more concerned with being right than being an example of love. Paul puts it this way, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4. Tell me how proving someone wrong values them above you, and I'll print this post out and eat it. The world doesn't need more pharisees who are only concerned with their way being the only way, "so help me God." Rather, it needs people who are willing to put aside their own insecurity and concern with looking foolish, and simply love people. 

 Now, I realize I could easily fall into the trap of trying to prove myself right even as I type. God willing, I'll be able to draw His wisdom out, rather than using my own words or arguments to make my case. With that said, I'm still an imperfect human, so I can't guarantee that all of this will be from the Spirit.

I don't know about you, but I can't remember the last time I thanked someone for proving me wrong. What I can remember vividly, on the other hand, is the first time someone told me that Jesus died to save me from my reservation in hell, even though He knew everything I had ever done or would do. No one had to prove to me that what I'd been doing up to that point was wrong. All that was necessary was to communicate how unconditional His love is.

So what makes us think, especially on the internet, that we need to take it upon ourselves to pick out every flaw and inaccuracy in something that we disagree with? For example, say someone posted something to the effect of Christians being ignorant, bigoted, self-righteous, mentally deficient, or fanatical sheep. I can already feel the heat from the flame war that would begin in whatever comments were available. The problem isn't that what this person posted is wrong, because there are a lot of people who claim to be Christians who are those things. It's that we're so concerned with being right, that we miss the point of what Jesus came to do, and called us to do. To love.

 I seriously can't understand why so many people can't see this simple truth. It doesn't MATTER whether you're right. The universe doesn't revolve around you, and Jesus doesn't need you to stand up for Him. If they want to bash God, let them! He took a beating like none other in history, so I think He can handle a few words from someone who doesn't know better. In fact, I seem to recall Him saying something like "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Now, apologetics, as in showing someone who has never heard of Jesus that He does indeed exist, has its place. But when it becomes about proving evolution or Islam or Buddhism or whatever wrong, that's when we lose sight of the point of Jesus' work--love. He loves the person you're talking to. He doesn't care if you can prove yourself right; he cares that you can show them how much He loves them.

So, let's have it. Will you try to prove me wrong? Or will you give up your pride and simply love selflessly?

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

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Please keep it civil. The internet is already full of people who rail at each other over minutiae.