Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Disenchanted in this land of a thousand chances

I have friends who have become disenchanted with God, because He didn't fulfill their expectations for their lives, or because the circumstances they prayed about didn't get better, or because they couldn't get over how He could let the horrible things that happened to them, happen.

The problem is, what they're seeking is a feeling of happiness. God isn't there to make them happy, He's there to love them beyond all reason.
God doesn't want your life in order to solve all your problems and make it smooth sailing for you. The point of life isn't to be happy, it's to have joy and to give Him glory, no matter what's going on around you.

This is why, when I pray for you, I don't stop at asking for the specific circumstance to change, but above it, I ask that you would come to know fulfillment and wholeness in Him, no matter whether the circumstance improves or not. I thank Him for His will being accomplished, even if it goes against what you or I want.

So, beware; I pray god's best for you, even if it doesn't make you happy in the short term. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him (James 1:17), and His will is good, perfect, and pleasing (Romans 12:2).

Do you have a hard time accepting that an all-powerful, loving God could allow terrible things to have happened to you? Let me know in the comments, so I can pray for you, and we can maybe talk it out.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

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Please keep it civil. The internet is already full of people who rail at each other over minutiae.