Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happiness isn't good enough for you

That's right. You were made for better than being happy. Happiness is temporary, and it's based on things going on in your life, things which are usually out of your control, and aren't fulfilling anyway. If happiness isn't good enough for us as children of the One who is Love, then what is?

What you're really made for are joy, wholeness, and influence! Joy is internal and eternal. You have joy no matter what goes on in your life. It's caused by God in you and loving you from the inside out, which WILL NOT change. Wholeness is similar--it's from God removing your old self, the person whom your life experiences cut and chipped you into (like a cold, hard, marble statue) and replacing it with your new identity, molded (like a hand-crafted clay vessel) in His likeness before time began, and kept especially for this place in time.

And then there's influence. You don't have to sit by passively, powerless against the things which change around you, and how they make you feel. You have unlimited power, drive, and ability to shape and build the world around you into the way it was truly meant to be.

I hope I was able to encourage you with this. I'm in a beginning of the year fast, and Dad gave this to me during church, and I know that as much as it was for me, it's part of what He's called me to do to encourage my brothers and sisters. Be blessed in your new year.

I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out. Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments! If you see any spelling/grammatical errors, PLEASE let me know in a comment. I expect others to use correct English, so I should too. Twitter:@GetItReallyReal Please subscribe and/or share.

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