The other day on Facebook (I know, I'm not on Google+ [what!?]) a friend of mine gave voice to her outrage about President Obama not having Christmas trees in the White House this year, that instead they would be called "Holiday" trees, since this is no longer a Christian country, but a country of many faiths, and how we need to let him know that this is still a Christian country and "stand up for Christ."
While I appreciate her virtual zeal, I believe the President is right, for three reasons.
First: This has never been a "Christian country." While the majority of its citizens have professed to be Christians, that does not make our system of government and rule Christian. Even the founding fathers, most of whom were influenced by Christian beliefs, worked very, very hard at keeping them out of designing a system of rule that has yet to be bested. Thus, "in the name of God" could not be used to justify any type of action, whether good or bad. They stated that this was a government "for the people and by the people," not by the God that they professed. While a theocracy, with God as the ultimate authority, is the ideal form of rule, that won't happen until He comes back. In the mean time, we humans will have to do the best we can, calling on His help if we believe. Apparently we, the people, have chosen a representative who does not believe in the same God that I do. Constitutionally, that's perfectly fine. There is no law stating that the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Drive need be a Christian, or believe in anything at all, for that matter. Only that he, or she, be at least 35 years of age, a natural born citizen, and elected by the people whom he or she serves.
Second: This is, in fact, a country of many faiths. I'm not sure what the numbers are, but I've heard that we're second in religious diversity only to the UK. And that's alright. It's part of what makes this country the greatest country in the world (again, not a perfect country). Here, anyone can accomplish anything and be anyone they want, without the government telling them they can't, or that some other way is better. It's not the President's job to be a Christian and represent a Christian nation. If he is and does while he's in office, then that means we chose the type of man (or woman) who would do that. If he doesn't, that means we chose a person who wouldn't do that. The officials elected reflect the true desires of the people who elected them. It's that simple.
Last: Does Jesus, the One who was, and is, and is to come, the One by whose Word all things are held together, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose words become reality, who sees all of eternity before Him, really need anyone to stand up for Him? He's the One who gave the office of President authority in the first place! Don't forget: He wasn't surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. He had planned all of time before there was such a thing as time! So, instead of "standing up for Jesus", I think we should get on our knees before Him and then change the world around us. Go witness to a lost friend. Put up the biggest manger scene in your neighborhood. Pray for that single mom who looks so forlorn at the store. Smile at your coworkers. Teach your children about His love. Read the Word. Pray.
I may not have it all figured out, but I do say what I think. If you have any questions about faith in Jesus, don't hesitate to email me. It's my job to help you out.
Have an idea for me? Let me know in the comments!
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Please keep it civil. The internet is already full of people who rail at each other over minutiae.